

2014 Exclusive New Year Giveaway!

Limited Time Offer

Here’s your opportunity for FREE in depth Discovery Services from a certified datacenter mastermind!

With the full launch of Digital Edge’s Global Continuity Solution service, we are providing our first 100 registrants with a fully comprehensive review of their company’s IT infrastructure from our certified engineers. 

Michael Petrov
Founder, Chief Executive Officer

Michael brings 30 years of experience as an information architect, optimization specialist and operations’ advisor. His experience includes extensive high-profile project expertise, such as mainframe and client server integration for Mellon Bank, extranet systems for Sumitomo Bank, architecture and processing workflow for alternative investment division of US Bank. Michael possesses advanced knowledge of security standards such as ISO 27001, NIST, SOC and PCI that brings into any solutions delivered by Digital Edge. Security solutions and standards are expended into public cloud such as AWS and Azure.

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